Buildings & Grounds

B&G Committee Vision: To provide a safe, healthy & prayerful environment for the continued growth of the St James Faith Community. 

B&G Committee Chair: Dennis Bednarek; 262-470-4477; dfbednarek48@gmail.com

Agenda: Thursday, May 11, 2023 

Meeting to be held in Room 7 of the Parish Center at 7:00pm

Minutes: January 2023     February 2023-no meeting     March 2023     April 2023-None submitted     May 2022      June 2022       July 2022-no Meeting   

August 2022     September 2022-no meeting     October 2022     November 2022     December 2022-no meeting  

 Purpose of this committee:

The purpose of the St. James Building & Grounds Committee is the maintenance of all facilities and their systems (electrical, heating, mechanical, plumbing, etc.) as well as the parish grounds, to ensure that all buildings and outdoor areas are safe, clean, in good repair and appearance, for now and into the future.

 Duties of this committee:

  • Participate in general planning and prioritizing of Building & Grounds (B&G) activities.
  • Obtain quotes from various vendors and oversee the completion of projects identified by the Committee.
  • This committee meets once monthly on the 2nd Thursdays, from 7-8pm in Room 10 of the Parish Center.
  • For further information, please contact Pastoral Coordinator, Deacon Robert Mitchell 262-363-7615 X102 or dcnrob@stjmuk.org