Jubilee Year 2025
As you may know, December 29, the Feast of the Holy Family, marked the beginning of the Ordinary Jubilee Years. The practice of a jubilee year is rooted in scripture and Jewish tradition as a time of restoration and liberation when slaves and prisoners were set free, and debts were forgiven - a sign of God's justice and compassion.
Pope Francis has chosen the focus of this holy year to be the theological virtue of hope. In the Bull of Indiction announcing the Jubilee Year, Spes non confundit, our Holy Father writes about the crisis of hope that our world is facing in the struggles of families, the marginalized, and all those who suffer from war, poverty, and despair. We are called to be tangible signs of hope to others by practicing the works of mercy and inviting others to turn toward the hope that only Christ offers.
Here are some resources to help you teach on the Jubilee Year (more will be shared throughout the year).
Jubilee 2025
The Jubilee Year of Hope: A Guide for Catholic Catechists and Families
Catechetical Activities for Children and Youth - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops