Family Promise
Family Promise still needs volunteers!
We especially need volunteers who are “fully trained” to serve dinner in the facility.
How do I get “fully trained”?
You’ll need to watch two on-line training videos. Volunteer 101 & 102. The combined training takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. You must attend an in-person training session. This takes about 90 minutes and is located in Waukesha at 139 E. North St. Waukesha, WI 53188. Contact Family Promise Coordinators to find out when the next training session is. You will also need to pass a criminal background check. Here’s the website for on-line training and the sign up for in-person training:
We really need an alternate food coordinator. The alternate coordinator collects and delivers the meal to the shelter on the fourth Thursday of the month. The alternate food coordinator does not need to be “fully trained” if just delivering the meal. This only occurs if both Pete and Sue are unavailable.
Other FAQ’s:
Where is the facility located? 1210 Sentry Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186.
How many people do I make food for? Up to 3 families and 17 adults
How often do we provide a meal? Once per month. Our scheduled day is the fourth Thursday of every month.
Where can I get further information? From the St. James Coordinators Sue and Pete Hoffmann. 262.705.3691 (Sue) or 414.732.3888 (Pete) or email
Additional Family Promise Information:
Coordinators: Sue Hoffmann, 262-705-3691,
Pete Hoffmann, 414-732-3888,
What goes on during a Host Week?