Infant baptism may be scheduled by contacting Rene at the parish office, 363-7615 X100. Baptism preparation class is required for parents, unless they have had a prior preparation class within the past five years. The preparation sessions are lead by our Adult Faith Formation-Parish Life Coordinator, Renee Hitt. Please contact her by email at
We will celebrate Baptisms during Mass with Fr. Jordan Berghouse or Fr. Denny Jacob once every other month on baptism Sunday. Here is a list of 2025 baptismal dates to choose from at the 7:30am or 10:30am Masses: Sunday March 16, Sunday, May 16, Sunday, July 20, Sunday, September 21 and Sunday, November 16. Here is a list of 2025 Sunday baptismal dates for after the Masses with baptisms beginng at 8:30am or 11:30am on: February 23, March 9, 23, April 13, 27, May 11, 25, June 8, 22, July 13, 27, August 10, Spetember 14, 28, October 12, 26, November 9, 23, December 14, 28. During Advent/Lent Season we will baptized after the Masses. If this is your first child being baptized please fill out the Baptism form and email to Renee Hitt at or mail to the St James Parish Office at 830 E. Veterans Way, Mukwonago, WI 53149. If you have already completed a baptism preparation class within the last 5 years then contact Rene Ranic 262-363-7615 X100 to schedule.
Marriage preparation requires the priest be notified at least 6 months prior to the anticipated wedding date. At least one of the parties must be a registered practicing Catholic member of our Parish. Fill out the Marriage form and either email to Renee Hitt at or mail to the St James Parish Office at 830 E. veterans Way, Mukwonago, WI 53149. Marriage Form. Call the Parish Office for more information and to check on availability.
Adult Confirmation
If you were baptized and made your First Communion, but never were confirmed for whatever reason, we would love to have you experience this final sacrament of adult initiation. To find out what’s involved, please call Faith Formation - Parish Life Coordinator, Renee Hitt; 262-363-7615 X125;
Want to Become a Catholic?
Perhaps you've wondered if you should become a Catholic. Many others, drawn by a search for truth and meaning in their lives have asked themselves that same question.
Are you not sure you know enough about the Catholic Church to decide that you are interested in becoming Catholic? We invite you to watch a short video about the Catholic Church by clicking here.
O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the process by which interested non-Catholic adults become members of the Christian community of the Catholic Church. Children over the age of seven participate in the O.C.I.A. process adapted for their age.
Both the laity and the clergy provide the education in the ways of the Lord and the beliefs of the Church. Lay sponsors help support and guide the candidates in their journey of faith. The entire parish community is involved in the preparation through prayer and witness and by renewing its own commitment in faith.
Anyone who is considering becoming a part of the Catholic community of faith may enroll, including those baptized in other Christian denominations, those unbaptized, and those baptized in infancy as Catholics, but not brought up in the faith.
Those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church contact Fr. Jordan Berghouse 262-363-7615 X101